Purpose: To build a foundation for the youth, and to make the foundation strong by developing their spiritual and physical abilities. To assist our youth in growing strong in the Lord and the power of His might. To make sure that our youth have a biblical knowledge of who they are in Christ, so that they honor their parents, and love one another as Christ loves the Church.

Vision: To raise up a generation of young people, committed to the Word of God. To prepare them through the knowledge of God’ word, and through the knowledge of His power, to enable them go out into “the world” and lead others to Christ, by means of a Youth Outreach Ministry.


Evangelist Movement for Teens

Purpose: Winning young people to Christ. And teaching them how to walk in the power of Christ, in a secular world.

Vision: To train young people how to evangelize, and lead other young people to Christ. Training young people to direct and carry out the ministry amongst themselves and their peers.